Scene from AMG Film B-60 BROTHER BEATLE 8mm $11.75 16mm $17.64 Catalog pages 34-36 SK. Joe Svirbely is the Beatle brother while Mike Wilson is the older brother who tries to study and has to give his younger brother a thrashing to get the necessary peace.

Mike Wilson

Page 26


Joe Svirbely

This study of Sam Mc Frisby was taken by Jim Hodges of San Francisco. More information about the model and the photographer in the next issue Of Physique Pictorial.

Madame X?

No, indeed! The model is Raymond Robirds on whom AMG plans soon to release an exhaustive selection of photos. He is dressed here in a pair of leather trousers borrowed from the firm "Hell-Bent For Leather" which has a very fine men's shop in the very heart of Hollywood at 6727 1/4 Hollywood Boulevard. Cost of these trousers $55. They have a wide assortment of other leather garments. They would be glad to have you stop by whenever you are in the area. Later they will have a mail order catalog. If enough folks request same, we'll show more of their garments in later issues. (This is not a paid ad!) NEW MAGAZINE: A fine new book has been sent to us which is entitled "Pursuit & Symposium". It costs $1. and is loaded with useful and stimulating information. Write directly to the editor James Kepner 2141 Baxter Street, Los Angeles Califonia 90039

IS "ONE" NOW "TWO"? In previous issues of this book we have mentioned the great sociological book. called "One". Unhappily because of an apparent personality clash, a dissident group broke away and operates in a different locality. In any case the original book is still published at 2256 Venice Boulevard Los Angeles Calif 90006. Send them $5 for a very educational selection of books, or a stamped self-addressed envelope for an interesting circular of current offerings.

left: Film E-11 ESCAPE OF JESSE JAMES. 8mm $12 16mm $18. Pgs 11-

15 TT

Mike Amerson in black hat, John McCarthy in light hat. right: Film D-33 DIFFICULT MODEL 8mm $11.75, 16mm $17.64 Pgs 23-27

& 37 S8 catalog.

Sam Me Frisby